rash starting on hairline and face

rash starting on hairline and face
Red Rash On ForeheadRash around Hairline of Head
Itchy red rash on face, swollen eyelids.
Red rash on forehead & right hairline of.
Over the past couple of weeks, I have developed a red rash (not raised) from the hairline at the top of my forehead down into the eyebrow area and also on the right
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Pimple like rash on upper back, arms,.
Red Rash On Hair Line Rash On Temples and Forehead Discovery Channel Gold Rush face rash tiny bumps - MedHelp
Q: Pimple like rash on upper back, arms, chest, neck and face that lasts 2 weeks at a time

This post is an extension of the Itchy red rash on face, swollen eyelids and under eyes thread. Please continue posting within this thread.
rash starting on hairline and face